And I thought, a crown, hmmm... we will toss our crowns at his feet. But with all the excitement and billions of souls gathered 'round, I will be comforted when I can crawl up in his lap and snuggle close to his breast. I tried to envision just that. How my heart felt comfort at just the thought of it.
I have often reflected with great yearning of the disciple that leaned on Jesus' breast: "Now there was one leaning on Jesus' bosom, one of his disciples whom Jesus loved." John 13:23
And then to my joy I was reminded of the beggar: "and it came to pass that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels unto Abraham's he is comforted." Luke 16: 22, 25
Bosom --- lap, the area in which one holds and cradles a loved one; the inner person; the heart; the seat of affection.
" I will trust His love, for it e'er will last
It is rich and warm and free
Through the years of life, it will hold me fast
And my help and comfort be
To my waiting heart, all its treasures rare
As a sparkling stream shall flow
In the Joy of God, I shall ever share
Just because He loves me so. A-men!"
"He shall feed His flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young." Isaiah 40:11
1 comment:
Isn't it great that even here in this life we can go to Jesus for comfort?
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