Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Easter Egg Surprise!

Tonight at BST the children in the younger classes, ages 2-6, will be given an Easter Egg with treats and a special question to answer from the Bible.

Bible stories, songs, prizes and more. 
B.S.T. is a great place to be!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Good Bye Sweet Holly

The Angels are crying with us this morning as we had to say goodbye to our sweet gentle eyed Holly. She was such a beautiful dog. We lost her to breast cancer. She never had her own puppies, but she lactated, nursed and watched diligently over the puppies our lab had. You can see the pictures of it on the link below. We got her for free when Shane was 8 years old and wanted his own dog. He loved her very much and spent a lot of time and his own money trying to cure her of cancer. She was my walking and jogging partner the last couple months. She was just such a sweet dog. I miss her already so much!!!

Another Mama For the Puppies

Holly's Cancer Fight
Huggies For Surgical Padding